Setup Motive for BlackTrax

Hardware Adjustment:

Enter Layout by selecting layout name on the right upper side of the program windows.

Attention: The Space Origin must be visible to at least two BTSensors for sensor calibration to function correctly.

  1. Open Motive Application, all BTSensors should show in Devices windows.

  2. Enter Aiming Layout. Adjust camera's physical position and focus.

    1. Select an BTSensor, right-click select Presets > Aiming.

    2. Toggle "OFF" the IR Filter.

    3. Adjust the focus; Make sure the image is shape and the view is clear.

    4. Do this for each BTSensor.

Sensor Calibration

  1. Enter "Calibration" Layout. Select all BTSensors, right-click select Presets > Tracking.

  2. On Application Setting tab, Live Reconstruction sub tab, set Marker Labeling Mode to "Passive Markers Only"

  3. (Optional) Masking infrared interference for calibration using Camera Preview window's toolbar.

  4. Perform Wanding capture:

    1. In Camera Calibration window, Calibration tab, Wanding Session:

      1. Set Calibration Type to "Full"

      2. Set OptiWand to "Custom"

      3. Set Wand Length (mm) to "1000"; Center Distance (mm) to "350"

      4. Set Wand Type to "Passive"

    2. Click Start Wanding; Power the Wand Head and swing it to stage.

    3. After proper points captured, Click Calculate.

  5. Calibrating space Origin:

    1. In Camera Calibration window, Ground Plane tab:

      1. Set Ground Plane Calibration Square > Vertical Offset (mm) to "90". (Adjust the offset if Ground Plane can't place in real world origin)

      2. Set Ground Plane Refinement > Vertical Offset (mm) to "6".

    2. Place the Ground Plane to real world origin. Aim the long arm to the venue +Y axis; Short arm to the venue +X axis.

    3. Click Set Ground Plane.

Set Sensor to Tracking Mode

  1. Enter "Configuration" Layout.

  2. On Devices window, lect eSync 2. In eSync's Properties Window:

    1. Set Source to "Reserved".

    2. Set Sync Offset to "5000".

    3. * Set Input Divider to "1".

    4. Set Input Multiplier to "1".

  3. On Application Settings Window:

    1. Live Reconstruction sub tab, set Marker Labeling Mode to "Active Markers Only"

    2. Cameras sub tab. set Filter Type to "None".

  4. On Streaming window:

    1. Set Broadcast Frame Data to "On".

    2. Set Local Interface to "loopback".

Note: Click "..." on the right upper side of the windows and select Show Advanced if you can't see these parameters.

(Optional) Limiting Tracking within Boundaries:

  1. Application Setting > Live Reconstruction > Advanced Options > Reconstruction Bounds

  2. Set Visible Bounds to "True"

  3. Change Bounds Shape and shape parameters.

  4. Set Bound Reconstruction to "True"

Last updated