By default, when launch the portfolio first time, BlackTrax will create a BTWYSIWYG project with 12 Trackables placing in space.
Hint: Best practice is change the Layer before placing objects to the space; Change the green take mark in Layer Database to change active layer.
(Optional) Create more Trackables:
In CAD mode, from the BLACKTRAX menu, choose BT Trackable.
Enter the Trackable name and Select a Layer to place it. (Default: Trackables/Motion)
Click OK; Place the Trackable to Space.
(Optional) Adding visual object to Trackable:
In CAD mode, click Wireframe view tab at the bottom of the screen.
From LIBRARY menu, choose Browse Library.
Navigate to the object; Double click then Insert it to space; Push keyboard ESC to finish.
Double-click the object to open Properties.
On General tab, set Attach to Axis/Frame to which Trackable it will follow.
Hang moving fixtures in BTWYSIWYG
In CAD mode, click Wireframe view tab at the bottom of the screen.
Place a Pipe in Space:
Select the Pipe tool.
Enter the Length and Trim Height.
Click OK to placing Pipe on space. (You can type in the position instead of using mouse [x, y] ).
Add Fixture to Pipe:
From LIBRARY menu, choose Browse Library.
At the bottom of the Library Browser click Fixtures tab.
Select a Fixture, Right-click to see it's Properties.
Double click the Fixture then place it on a Pipe.
Fixture can only place on Pipe, Truss or Rigging Point.
To place Fixture on floor by right click and select Insert on Floor.
To change Fixture mounting angle, Double click the Fixture to open Properties
In Fixture Tab, select General.
Change Pan, Tilt, Spin to change mounting angle.
DMX Patching
Patch Fixtures to DMX universe and assign Spot IDs
In DATA mode, click H Select view tab at the bottom of the screen.
Selecting the Fixture; Assign DMX Channel and Universe. (Format: x.yyy ; x=universe, yyy=dmx channel) *
Assign Spot ID for each Fixture. **
In BTWYSIWYG LIVE mode., select MANAGES menu, click Device Manage.
Add a new device if needed. (Make sure the Default BlackTrax Net is created)
* Use keyword "+" to quickly assign DMX. For example: select 3 Fixtures, type in 1+12.
** Spot ID number will map to a fixture ID on a connected lighting console.
Export BTWYSIWYG setting to BlackTrax
In BTWYSIWYG CAD mode, select BLACKTRAX menu, click BTX Apply.
In BlackTrax GUI, select menu File > Apply BTWYG Updates.
Last updated